Overview | Event Info | Walkers | Teams | Vendors | Sponsors
The registration fee starts at $25, but don't forget to reach out to friend's and family to collect pledges!
Choose one of the following packages:
$25 Basic Package
$100 Deluxe Package
$200 Premium Package
$5 Wine Tasting
Pet Name
Pet Breed/Mix
Adopted from HART?
Date Adopted
Email Address
Confirm Email Address
Name of Walking Team*
* If you are walking with a team, enter the team name here, otherwise leave this field blank.
By submitting your registration form, you are agreeing to the following liability waiver:
I understand that participating in the recreational activities may pose a risk, and I hereby release the organizers and Quattro Goomba's Winery from any liability to me or to others in my party arising out of any accident, injury, or loss or damage of personal property that results from my voluntary participation in any activities at the Wine • Wag • Walk event on Saturday September 17, 2016.