Age: 18 years
Gender: Female
Breed: Lab/Shepherd Mix
Tapainga is an anomaly. The high kill shelter where HART found her told us she's over 8 years of age, but not one vet, vet technician or random stranger ever placed her in that age category. If nothing else, she acts like a six year old, full of energy, spunk and curiosity, not to mention how striking, sweet, smart and affection she is. And how easily she gets along with all the other dogs, cats and especially her buddy CoCo. We were told the two lived in the same loving household before they we surrendered due to economic hardships. Fortunately for both girls, the staff at the shelter fell in love and couldn't let them suffer the fate of so many others. They tirelessly lobbied rescue groups until HART stepped in and took them over with only hours left to the dreaded deadline. Slightly more independent of the two, Tappy has lovely manners, soft mouth, love of dog biscuits, and tendency to sleep on top of the stairs until you come home. She will not bark needlessly or pull you in all directions on your walks, nor is she interested in squirrels. She likes to walk at leasurely pace by your side and will play fetch if you feel like it. Completely housebroken and knowing several commands, she will make a very interactive and lively companion to one person or the whole family. She likes to nap on couches and if you allow it, your bed on a cold winter's day. We would like to place Tappy and CoCo together in the same loving home, but will understand if that is not possible.