Missing Pets
See our tips on what to do If your pet is lost, including
Local shelter phone #s and
Links to websites where you can post missing pets
Missing Since 12/10/12

Atticus went missing from 10563 Elk Run Rd, just south of Catlett. He has two red spots on his head and was wearing a brown and blue striped collar. He is about 15 months. The collar has a link for the tag but the tag fell off. He may have been picked up by a passing motorist but not turned over to any of the local shelters. He was very fit and trim when he was lost; but may be very thin if he's been running. He is not a stray, nor is he abandoned. He is a much loved part of the family. There is a generous reward for his safe return. Possible sighting in Summerduck on 12/15/12. Lost on December 10th, 2012, in Fauquier County near the Prince William border. Please contact Jessica Swan at 540-788-9022 with sightings or any other information
Champ is Missing Near Lorton
Missing Since Feb 6th, 2012

Champ jumped the fence of his adoptive home. He's about 10 years old with short hair. He's mostly brown with a white snout, white feet and white under his chin and on his neck. His snout has a pink zig zag from the middle to the top of his nose which is pretty distinctive. One eye has extra skin around the eyeball so his eyes look uneven. He also has a limp in his left rear leg. His ears flop forward. He's neutered. He has unusually long legs which make him look kind of gangly and awkward. He's a very sweet dog with a quiet disposition. Do not chase. Please call 703-455-0509 immediately if seen.
Pippin - Missing since 10/4/10!
Search expanded to Burke

11/2/10: Update on Pippin
*May* have been recently spotted in Burke
Pippin, a 7 year old very large all-black male cat with a distinctive scar between his shoulder blades went missing in early October in the Bonnie Brae area of Fairfax. We have reason to believe that he *may* have been spotted in his original neighborhood just south and west of the intersection of Roberts Parkway and Burke Center Parkway, and so we are extending our search area in hopes of finding him.
He is very shy, and so may not be easy to approach, but we ask that if at all possible, you attempt to catch him (he's gentle!) and keep him in a spare bathroom until one of us can come to retrieve him.
Time is of the essence any/all help in finding him would be most appreciated!
Please contact HART volunteer Jacquie at (703) 795-2652 or his foster family at (703) 727-8519
with any/all news.
Minnie - Missing Since 7/31/10
Purcellville, VA

Minnie is a 14 year old spayed dachshund. She is not wearing a collar nor does she have a chip. She was last seen July, 31st around 3:00 at her home - on Paxson Road in Purcellville. Please call the numbers below immediately if seen. Thanks!
Home 450 338-6548
Cell 703 447-0996
Cell 703 919-0498
Dudley - missing since 4/15/10
South Alexandria, VA
Dudley is a Siamese mix, buff-tan, with blue eyes, dark tail and face. Young adult, neutered male. No collar or tags. Has a microchip ID. Last seen on 04/15/10 in south Alexandria, VA on Clayborne Ave. near Route 1.
Dudley does not like to be picked up and is afraid of strangers.
Please call 703-307-4035 if you have seen Dudley.
Dudley's Flyer
Buddy - missing since 3/5/10
Vienna (Glencannon), VA

Buddy is a tiger stripe/white male cat. He was wearing a white collar.
If you have seen Buddy, please call 703-255-0218.
Buddy's Poster
Griffy - missing since 1/22/10
Annandale, VA
See Griffy's Blog for the details.
Sylvia - missing since 6/11/09
Broad Run, VA area

Sylvia is about two years old. She does not have a tail - she has a nub. She is blonde with some white on her chest, and she is spayed. She went missing in the Broad Run area (Virginia) on June 11, 2009. If you have seen Sylvia, please call Johneen at 540-222-4756 (cell) or 540-349-1221 (work).
Snow - missing since 9/18/08
Greenway Downs, Falls Church area

Snow is a male Russian Blue mix. His HART name was Bruce 2. He is missing from the Falls Church area of Greenway Downs, specifically the corner of Marshall and Cavalier Streets.
If you have seen Snow, please call Melanie at (703) 899-4011.
Shelby - missing since 9/2/08
Fairfax Corner area
$ Reward $

Shelby is a 35 lb black and brown shepherd mix - 9 months old. She ran out of her house near Wegmans in Fairfax (corner of Route 29 and Monument Drive, Fairfax). She was seen running east on 29 (towards Fairfax) and then again seen at the corner of Waples Mill and Route 50.
She is VERY SHY and will not approach people. She is microchipped and was wearing a red nylon collar.
If you have seen Shelby, please call 202-246-3332 or 703-582-1335
Shelby's Flyer
Bailey - missing since 6/16/08
South Riding area

Update 7/11/08: We've gotten lots of calls in the past 48 hours and Tammy has confirmed that it is Bailey. He seems to be traveling between the Jiffy Lube on John Mosby Hwy and Freedom School. See Google Map.
Do not chase Bailey - it could spook him into traffic!
Bailey, whose HART name was King, has been missing since 3:00 p.m. on 6/16/08. He was lost in the Tall Cedars/Nations area, though it is believed that he was last seen on Tuesday on Riding Center Drive heading towards Freedom High School. He should still have his collar on (with tags) and he is microchipped. He is a 25 lb. Spaniel mix with a black back, tan legs and face, and a white chest. He tends to be skittish around new people and animals. Schools, shelters and vets in the immediate and surrounding areas have been notified.
If you have seen Bailey, or can help search for him,
please call Tammy at 703-560-1006.
Billy - missing since 3/4/08
Arlington, Wakefield, Skyline, Shirlington, Alexandria, Falls Church
$ Reward $

Please visit and bookmark Billy's Blog for all the latest on the search for our missing beagle!
Google Map with the recent Billy sightings
Very Important: DO NOT CHASE BILLY! It could spook him into traffic. Instead, try to herd him into an enclosed area or try to lead him into an enclosed place.
If you have seen Billy or can help in the search, please call
Sonia at 703-587-7655,
Kirk at 703-644-4920,
Brenda at 571-215-8274, or
Joan at 703-863-5267
Billy is a small Beagle mix, mostly black and brown, about 4 years old. He was wearing a red collar with tags, but the collar may have come off. He may be limping on his right back leg. Billy is very shy and timid, but he will not bite. He is terrified of men.
Jack - missing since 12/26/07
HART dog lost in DC!

The owner was walking Jack, a former HART dog, when both were surprised by a mean dog and meaner owner. The mean owner dropped the leash so the mean dog could attack Jack. Jack's owner tried to break up the dog fight, but then the mean owner got mad and beat Jack's owner! Jack was so frightened, he slipped his collar and has not been seen again.
Jack is a Beagle/Hound mix, roughly 50 lbs, tri colored, has an NDR tattoo but no collar and no tags (he slipped his collar during the attack). Jack was last seen on 12/26/07 at 4:30 PM at the intersection of 6th Street NW and Q Street NW heading towards North Capital Street.
Since his disappearance, there have been a few possible sightings of Jack: In January 2008 at Haines Point and in February 2008 at the corner of R and Eckington NE.
If you have seen Jack, please call HART at
703-691-4278, 703-560-1006, or 703-242-6551.