Volunteer Profile
*Required Field  
Phone: (Home)     (Work)
*Are you 18 years of age or older? 
If you are under 18, please enter your age:
Are you seeking school credit for volunteer work:
Please indicate any of the following activities that you would enjoy doing to help HART animals. They appreciate any time you have to give.
  Petco requires that Adoption Day volunteers be 18 or older!
  Can you transport dogs to Adoption Days? 
   Please indicate the days and hours you are available to work in our Fairfax Office:
Why did you choose HART?
Your ideas:
Volunteers' Assumption of Risk Because volunteers are considered to "assume the risk" of any injury stemming from their volunteer undertakings, HART cannot buy insurance for injuries incurred by volunteers during HART events and activities. In the event of an injury, volunteers must look to their personal insurance for applicable compensation.
The Homeless Animals Rescue Team needs your help. Some projects require more hours than others, but every hour you donate can make a difference. Show HART animals that someone does care!