Shayna (aka Shinner)

Age:  About 8 years
Gender:  Female
Breed:  Hound/Terrier Mix
Size:  39 lbs
Dog Friendly:  Some
Cat Friendly:  No
Kid Friendly:  probably!


Shayna has spent far too long in the kennel hoping to find her forever home. She is sweet, gentle and oh so lovable despite spending most of her life tied up on a chain. She enjoys cuddling on the couch, people watching through the window, and of course, walks around the neighborhood. She is 8 years old and has a mild disposition and energy level. She is a very good walker on leash and doesn't pull. She is house trained and sleeps through the night. Are you ready to see this adorable face and a wagging tail greet you at the door?

This dog is sponsored by: In Memory Of: Beatriz. Dale Lichtblau

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