Scooby and Dewy

Scooby II (Adopted on 6/5/2023), Dewy (Adopted on 6/5/2023)

Scooby II


Age:  2 years
Gender:  2 males
Breed:  DSH


If you are looking for a very special bonded pair, do yourself a favor and keep reading! These boys are brothers from another mother. Both kittens were born with special needs-Scooby is a "CH" or cerebellar hypoplasia kitty, and Dewy, or Dewy Dynamo as his foster mom likes to call him, was born deaf.

Scooby was the first of this pair to come into HART's care. He was a tiny little fellow who had not yet learned to walk. But Scooby didn't let that bring him down. With determination and help from his loving foster family, Scooby is now able to walk on his own! He is so much fun to watch when he jumps and plays! But kittens need playmates and Scooby didn't have one. Then one day HART got a call. Could we take a wee kitten who has some neurological symptoms. We were so glad that we said yes. When Scooby met Dewy, it was love at first sight! They are the best of friends, and find so much joy in each other.

We believe that CH kitties are incredibly special beings. They bond so well with their humans, and seem to maintain their 'inner kitten' for a lifetime.

We encourage you to learn all about CH prior to applying Here is more info on cerrebellar hypoplasia