The Hollie Sisters - Carrie - Adopted on 7/21/2024

Age:  6 months
Gender:  Female
Breed:  Border Collie/Husky Mix


Carrie is a bundle of joy. Shes a very goofy girl. She can be a bit timid at first when meeting new people just until she knows she's safe. After that she loves greeting everyone and giving kisses. She is good with adults, children, dogs, and cats. She has been submissive with our 8 year old pit mix and plays well with our 8lbs cat. She is very smart and has already learned Sit, Stay, Turn, Leave It, Down and Place. She is food motivated and eager to learn more tricks. Carrie loves playing with water (outside) and going on walks. We have been doing great with potty training but sometimes an excitement or nervous pee can still happen - otherwise she is doing great with her potty training.