
Tempo, Harmony (Adopted on 9/1/2024), Lyric




Age:  5 months
Gender:  2 females and 1 male
Breed:  DSH
Dog Friendly:  Unknown
Cat Friendly:  Yes
Kid Friendly:  Yes
Boarding Location: Foster Home


Please review HART's kitten adoption policy

Meet Melody's Melodies! These hearty kittens were born in their foster home. They cannot wait to meet you!

Lyric is a very playful kitten but a touch on the shy the side. She loves to play with small toys and will toss them around endlessly. Once she's claimed a toy for herself though she's ready to take on all comers, growling off her larger brothers and running around the room with boundless energy playing keep away from any who dare think she might share. Lyric does love her siblings, she's rarely alone and can regularly be found in the center of a kitten pile.

Harmony is a little more cautious than her brothers, but hardly shy or fearful. She loves to run and play like any other kitten and enjoys attention from people. Harmony can regularly be found cuddled up with one of her siblings.

Tempo is a very energetic curious kitten who is always ready to tackle his siblings at every opportunity. He is very confident and always ready to investigate new things. While he's not quite as big as his brother Octave, he too came out big and hasn't stopped eating since he arrived.

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