Looney Tunes

Taz, Pepe Le Pew


Pepe Le Pew

Age:  5 months
Gender:  1 female and 1 male
Breed:  DSH
Dog Friendly:  Yes
Cat Friendly:  Yes
Kid Friendly:  Yes
Boarding Location: Foster Home


Please review HART's kitten adoption policy

These kittens were born in a HART foster home. Their mother is the lovely torti Aviva. Taz and Pepe are as sweet and fun-loving as can be. They have mild cerebellar hypoplasia, but they are completely unfazed by this! Taz and Pepe have grown and developed nicely - you can barely even tell they have CH.They prance and play around like baby ninjas. They are silly and so super sweet, they want to be around people all the time. Very social, they want to be picked up and loved.

We'll be happy to go through any special requirements should you wish to adopt Taz and Pepe. We encourage you to learn all about CH prior to applying Here is more info on cerebellar hypoplasia

If you would like to sponsor these cats, please click here.