
Age:  About 3 years
Gender:  Female
Breed:  Australian Kelpie/Rottweiler Mix
Size:  68 lbs
Dog Friendly:  Needs to be an only dog
Cat Friendly:  No
Kid Friendly:  Older kids


Kylie needs a new home because she is not getting along with the other dog in her home. Her family is very sad to have to rehome her. Here is what they say about this beautiful dog: "Kylie is an absolutely wonderful dog! She is very loving and attached to all her people. She is not always a fan of service people that come to the house, but any others, if we like them, she likes them. She loves to play ball and will catch it in the air and bring it to you. Kylie is good on walks but sometimes pulls when she heads home. I just stop and make her wait. She loves squeaky toys and Kongs. She is very treat motivated and takes treats extremely well, with just her lips, and will wait for anything if you tell her to "wait". She likes to cuddle next to us on the sofa, too. We feed her in her crate and she will go straight to it if you tell her to. She has passed all the obedience training at Petco and passed their Canine Good Citizen Test."

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