
Age:  About 4 months
Gender:  Male
Breed:  DSH
Declawed:  No
Dog Friendly:  Mellow Dogs
Cat Friendly:  Yes
Kid Friendly:  Yes
Boarding Location: Foster Home


Please review HART's kitten adoption policy

Are you looking for a social cat who loves people just as much as he loves other cats? Marmalade is the sweetest, cuddliest, friendliest kitten who will make a great addition to a home with other playful cats. In his foster home, he has turned the reluctant resident cats into his playmates and snuggle friends. Marmalade will need a home with at least one other playful and friendly kitty and a person who will hold him when he demands it. Marmalade loves the school-aged kids in his home and tolerates the cat-friendly dog as long as the dog doesn't get the zoomies inside.

Marmalade and his three brothers came to HART when they were just 3-4 weeks old. A HART volunteer saw a Facebook post for free kittens left on someone's porch in Martinsburg, West VA. Knowing they could easily fall into the wrong hands or could be picked up by someone who didn't know how to care for such tiny kittens, she took a chance and made the hour+ drive to the home. Luckily, the kittens were still there! Since his rescue, sweet Marmalade has been thriving and growing in his loving foster home. Whoever adopts Marmalade is getting an amazing kitten who will fill his new home with joy and loud purrs.

If you would like to sponsor this cat, please click here.