Sponsor A Pet Online Form

Name of the pet, or pets, you'd like to sponsor:

Your Full Name:
Postal Address:

Email Address:


I would like PayPal to set up automatic monthly payments of $  for  months.
(Minimum three months at $10 per month, per pet. Note: To set up automatic monthly payments, you will need to have a PayPal account.)
I would like to sponsor a pet with a one-time donation (minimum $30) of $

Please do not display my name on the HART website.
You may display my name on the HART website. Your name as you would like it to appear on the web site:


Would you like HART to notify someone of your donation?
(preferred, saves postage)
Street Address:

Additional instructions/comments:

If you would like a copy for your records, please print this page before clicking the Submit button below.

After you click the submit button, you will be directed to PayPal to complete your sponsorship.