
Age:  About 4 months
Gender:  Male
Breed:  DSH
Declawed:  No
Dog Friendly:  Yes
Cat Friendly:  Yes
Kid Friendly:  Yes
Boarding Location: Foster Home


Please review HART's kitten adoption policy

Mr. Bumblesnoot is an adorable tuxedo kitten with a big heart and a knack for snuggling. He's a laid-back little fellow who thrives in a peaceful, easygoing home where he can take his time getting to know his new family. This kitten loves to purr and snuggle, whether on your lap or beside you on the couch.

What sets Mr. Bumblesnoot apart is his surprising ability to listen to directions! He's very smart, and with a bit of patience, he'd love to learn a few tricks. He's also happy to play with dogs, making him an extra-special addition to your family.

Mr. B is best friends with Lady Tittle-Tattle, another kitty up for adoption! Two kittens are better than one since they entertain each other.

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