Sasha M

Age:  3 years
Gender:  Female
Breed:  Husky Mix
Size:  37 lbs
Dog Friendly:  Yes
Cat Friendly:  Yes
Kid Friendly:  Yes


Sasha is a beautiful husky but more importantly is a truly special dog. Here is what her foster mom said of her: "Sasha is darling! She is friendly to everyone including children and dogs. She also seems good with cats because she had no reaction to seeing my cats. She saw a fox on one of our walks and had no reaction. She is also super easy to walk on a leash. And she is quiet as a mouse in the house - and on walks too. Unlike most huskies, Sasha is not at all high energy star but is very layed back. All around she is a star!" Sasha was found in a rural area in the south with a pink collar on, but no one came to claim her at the shelter. If you are interested in Miss Sasha please let us know.

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