Kalie - Adoption Pending

Age:  About 11 weeks
Gender:  Female
Breed:  DSH
Declawed:  No
Dog Friendly:  Unknown
Cat Friendly:  Yes
Kid Friendly:  Yes
Boarding Location: Foster Home


Please review HART's kitten adoption policy

Sweet little Kalie was rescued from the street in West VA by a good samaritan. We are so thankful someone helped her! By the time she was rescued, Kalie had such a serious upper respiratory infection that her eyes were nearly crusted shut. She never would have survived out there on her own. After just one week of medicine, Kalie was feeling SO much better, and now she's just simply amazing!! This girl, after her rough start to life, finally has the chance to be the kitten she was meant to be. She's SWEET, LOVING, PLAYFUL, and PURRFECT! She was rescued with Kolby, and they have become great friends. If not adopted with him, Kalie will certainly need another kitty playmate in her new home to help her live her best life. She will be a wonderful companion! Apply to adopt and meet her at our Sunday cat adoption event!

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