HART's Special Needs Pets

These Special Needs pets have already found their own special homes

Sushi (Adopted Jun 07, 2024)
Sushi is 100% LOVE!

TayTay (Adopted Dec 06, 2023)
Taylor aka TayTay is the sweetest little 25 lbs pup that you will ever meet! She is approximately 1 year old and loves to play and cuddle. She came from an over-crowded shelter in southwest Virginia but that has not put a dent in her happy-go-lucky personality! Taylor is loving her walks and is learning to walk on a leash. She is doing great at potty training and is just about there! Taylor is crate trained and sleeps soundly through the night. While she loves getting pets and attention, she will settle down quietly on a comfy dog bed when her people are busy. Taylor is currently being fostered in a busy household with kids and her foster sister, Torvi. She has taken it all in stride and loves meeting new people and playing with the kids and her foster sister! Special note: Taytay is deaf, but she does very well with people and other dogs. She is extraordinarily well adapted and compensates remarkably with her other senses! In fact, she was in her foster home for over a week before it became apparent that she couldn't hear! She's very observant, uses visual cues and relies on her foster sister as her "ears." Taytay likely prefer a home with another dog that she can rely on to "hear" for her. If you are looking for a sweet and playful little lovebug, Taylor would love to meet you!

Teresa (Adopted Aug 25, 2023)
Teresa is as sweet as she is beautiful. We don't know what her life was like before she arrived at HART but she is very timid. Teresa needs patient people and a doggy friend who can show her that life can be good! She is already coming out of her shell in her foster home as you can tell from the video. She is house trained and uses her crate as a safe space when things in the house get hectic. She loves her doggy siblings and understands when they want to be left alone. Once she feels safe, she is very affectionate. She loves to play with toys. She has spent time in a home with smaller dogs. She is very submissive and would likely be good with cats as well.

Scooby and Dewy (Adopted Jun 05, 2023)
If you are looking for a very special bonded pair, do yourself a favor and keep reading! These boys are brothers from another mother. Both kittens were born with special needs-Scooby is a "CH" or cerebellar hypoplasia kitty, and Dewy, or Dewy Dynamo as his foster mom likes to call him, was born deaf.

Scooby was the first of this pair to come into HART's care. He was a tiny little fellow who had not yet learned to walk. But Scooby didn't let that bring him down. With determination and help from his loving foster family, Scooby is now able to walk on his own! He is so much fun to watch when he jumps and plays! But kittens need playmates and Scooby didn't have one. Then one day HART got a call. Could we take a wee kitten who has some neurological symptoms. We were so glad that we said yes. When Scooby met Dewy, it was love at first sight! They are the best of friends, and find so much joy in each other.

We believe that CH kitties are incredibly special beings. They bond so well with their humans, and seem to maintain their 'inner kitten' for a lifetime.

We encourage you to learn all about CH prior to applying Here is more info on cerrebellar hypoplasia

Saphira (Adopted Apr 04, 2023)
Saphira is a beautiful blue-eyed white cat who loves nothing more than sleeping in the sun. As most white, blue-eyed cats, she is deaf and needs to be warned before you approach her - tapping on the sofa/table/windowsill seems to be enough. She purrs constantly and loves to rub up against you and will cuddle in your lap once she gets to know you- but doesn't so much like to be picked up. She would do best as a single cat with a very patient and understanding owner. She may take a while to settle in, but she is guaranteed to steal your heart.

Cullen B (Adopted Feb 26, 2023)
If you have the heart and patience to help a dog who desperately needs you but just doesn't know it yet perhaps you can be the one to help put the rest of his pieces together and love him for everything he is and accept him for everything he is not.

Bindi (Adopted Jan 01, 2021)
Bindi was born with cerebellar hypoplasia (CH). CH kitties have a smaller cerebellum, but their condition is not painful nor contagious. Their balance and coordination is affected in that they fall over a bit when they walk, and their heads bobble. BUT Bindi is a Rock Star!! She is a super sweet and loving kitty! She will climb up your bed and plop herself onto your chest while purring and basking in pets. Bindi has mild cerebellar hyperplasia. That does not stop her from being the most loving and giving kitty, who gets around beautifully, even climbing stairs. Bindi is independent, loves to explore, is able to eat on her own and is completely litter trained. You would be hard pressed to find more loving, playful and snuggling kitty! She is a total purr baby. Her indomitable spirit has her living life to the fullest. The perfect home would be carpeted to help her walk. She benefits from a raised bowl for eating and drinking. There is really no difference in her care compared to the other cats in their foster home. They are all love and joy!! We'll be happy to go through any special requirements should you wish to adopt. We encourage you to learn all about CH prior to applying Here is more info on cerrebellar hypoplasia

Bindi is sponsored by: In Memory Of: Trixie & Melvin. In Honor Of: Eric, Bell, Summie. Annie Boehm.

Rhoda (Adopted Oct 28, 2020)
Rhoda was rescued from a hoarding situation in NM where one of our former volunteers and trainers works to help dogs in need. She saw a lot of potential in a few dogs and asked HART if they would be willing to take them. HART of course stepped up and gave her a new chance at life.

As of right now, Rhoda is still working through a lot of things but is extremely loving and sweet once she feels comfortable. She is very nervous and is a flight risk (she can easily jump a fence). She is also very afraid of men as she has not been exposed to men previously. She is great with other dogs and her foster siblings are greatly helping her get ready for her next adventure. Rhoda is crate trained, house trained and does well with other dogs. Rhoda would do best in a quite, patient home with no children (she is very afraid of kids) and another dog friend to ease her into her new life. She will require work but it will be worth it!

Sweet Pea (Adopted May 04, 2020)
Sweet Pea is as sweet as her name! She is very nervous with new people and new situations and it takes her time to settle in. Once she does, she becomes a very happy, bubbly, playful girl! She is good with the kids in her foster home, but she would do best in a quiet home without many visitors coming and going as this makes her nervous. She is house trained.

Princess R (Adopted Feb 29, 2020)
Princess has a seizure disorder that requires medication twice daily on a strict time schedule and monitoring.

Sadie-adopted 2 019 (Adopted Nov 06, 2019)
Sadie is a sweet, happy girl! She loves being with her people and follows her foster mom around the house. She also loves to play fetch! She is in a foster home with other small dogs and cats and she gets along with everyone. She is also house trained.

Sadie lacks some control of her back legs from previous back problems, but she gets around great as you can see in the video. She does get tired easily and would do best in a calm, quiet home.

The Squittens (Adopted Jan 04, 2019)
Please keep reading. Flower and Thumper are incredibly loving cats. We know that there is someone out there for such a very, very special duo. This brother and sister pair have radial hypoplasia, a condition where they were born with abnormally short and twisted forelimbs. Despite this, they live a typical indoor kitty life. They are mobile, use the litter box, and can jump up on the sofa or bed to snuggle with their humans, which is by far their favorite thing to do! If you are curious to know more about Flower and Thumper, please do reach out to us!

Sara Baby (Adopted Nov 20, 2018)
I was rescued from a rural shelter with my wee kittens. My kittens have all found homes, but I'm still waiting for my forever home. I know it may take awhile because they tell me I tested positive for FeLV. While I know this means I may have a shorter life than other kitties, I don't let it bother me. I spend my days playing and showering anyone around me with love and purrs.

Tracy (Adopted Nov 17, 2018)
Just looking at their sweet faces, it is hard to fathom but Tracy and her mom Edna ended up at a high kill shelter where they were scheduled (twice) to be euthanized. The shelter said that they are "incredibly sweet and absolute loves and totally deserve a place to go". When we saw them and heard their plea we said we would take them - how could anyone turn them away! They love other dogs and do not need to be adopted together. In fact, when we got them they had already been separated as each one went to a different foster home until we could arrange for their transport. If you are interested in either or both please let us now.

Harlo (Adopted Sep 09, 2018)
This chocolate-colored cutie is a cuddler's dream come true! Harlo LOVES people and isn't afraid to show it! Curious about FIV? Check out this link: https://consciouscat.net/2010/07/12/fiv-separating-myth-from-fact/

Jack Frost (Adopted Sep 19, 2015)
Jack Frost is a sweet, happy-go-lucky boy who gets along very well with his foster family's 3 dogs and 2 cats. Jack Frost is housebroken and crate trained. He's good on walks, but can get a little excited when he sees wildlife. He loves his human and canine pack and will snuggle up contentedly on a dog bed with another dog when we are watching TV. He's good with our teenagers, but we're not sure how he is with young children. Jack Frost is very agile and can climb a fence, so he needs to be placed with a family that can commit to leash walking him. He's a great companion who has a perfect activity level and size (42 lbs.) for an apartment or townhouse. Jack Frost has Diabetes Insipidus which is controlled by one eyedrop twice a day.

A. J. (Adopted Sep 10, 2014)
AJ is in need of a special home.He had professional training and knows sit,stay,down,heel,climb,come, and will wait at the door before entering, but this is recent training and needs to be reinforced.He is a sweet and playful boy, but he is very timid, fearful and anxious around strangers and new situations. Because of his fearfulness, he should go to a home with no small kids and with another confident dog that can help him be more secure (he LOVES other dogs).His new family should be understanding of his fear and willing to continue to work on his training and gaining confidence. He has been evaluated by a behaviorist and trainer and both feel like he's a good boy who just needs the right home that will work with him.AJ did a two week boarding program with trainers and did very well in a working environment.It took him a few days to come out of his shell with the trainers, but once he did they were his best friends. He is extremely happy and outgoing once he feels comfortable around you, but will try to hide when first approached so needs some time to adjust.He is highly food motivated and has never shown any food/resource guarding so treats are a must in making friends with AJ. This will be a fantastic companion in the right home that has the patience to help him be the dog he's meant to be. His ideal home would be experienced and patient with no small kids and a stable dog for his companion.He is moderately active but loves to run and play so a fenced yard would be perfect for him!

Adm. Scout (Adopted Apr 03, 2010)
Scout was being turned in to a kill shelter by his owners. Knowing that he would be put down immediately, a fellow rescuer made sure this didn't happen. There are not many people interested in a blind dog. Scout's former owners said he has been blind for the past two years. Scout will be taken to an eye specialist to see if anything can be done for his eyesight. With help, he navigates very well. He is crate trained, loves to go for walks and loves to snuggle with humans. This special guy deserves someone who will love and protect him for the rest of his life. UPDATE: Scout was seen by the eye specialist, and unfortunately, he has irreversible nerve damage, so his sight cannot be restored. Luckily, he has no discomfort from this condition.

Lola 2 (Adopted Nov 01, 2009)
Lola is a sweet Olde English Bulldogge who desperately needed HART's help. Lola had something wrong with her hind end and was scooting around like a seal. Lola had the problem for some time but her previous owners declined to do any diagnostic testing to see what was wrong.

Because of Lola's condition, she was turned away by many other rescues, but not by HART. She was taken in and brought to a vet to get the care she needed. It turns out that Lola had hip dysplasia, bilateral luxating patellas and a torn ACL. Lola immediately had the surgery she needed on both knees.

Lola is recovering nicely from her surgery and will be available for adoption very soon. Lola's days of scooting around like a seal are over. While she will be on low activity for a few more weeks, it is hard to keep her still. Lola is enjoying long walks without having to sit and her real personality is coming out. As far as Lola's hips -- they do not seem to bother her at all and hopefully with proper weight management she will be fine.

Lola's medical expenses to date are over $3,500. HART can only continue to take in cases like Lola with your help. If you would like to sponsor Lola to help pay for her surgery, please click on the link below.!

Visit Lola's Page for more details!

Trooper (OLD PROFILE) (Adopted Aug 26, 2009)
Trooper was rescued from King William Shelter after being hit by a car on April 20, 2009. Trooper had breaks in both hind legs as well as his hips. He was covered in ticks, which compromised his blood count. He was transported to HOPE Center and is being cared for. He had a blood transfusion and had his first of two surgeries on April 27. Two days later, after receiving another blood transfusion, his right side was repaired. His pelvis is expected to heal on its own.

Trooper's spirit has been nothing short of valiant. Despite his excruciating pain, his tail -- the only part of his rear quarters that worked -- never stopped thumping. He never snapped or even cried out as he was being moved and handled. Trooper has enchanted all of the medical staff who worked with him with his sweetness and his courage. He has responded well to his surgeries but faces lengthy rehabilitation. Clearly, his medical bills will be huge. Won't you help by sponsoring Trooper?

Visit Trooper's Page for more details and photos of Trooper!